Castle miner z pc hacks
Castle miner z pc hacks

castle miner z pc hacks

Use iron to make an iron pickaxe to get the gold and then make a gold pickaxe to get diamond. If you travel 3,100 blocks away from Spawn you will be in this big rocky area where you will be able to easily find gold on the surface. To do this cheat you need to fine a crater.I found mine at 743 in my world I don't about you tho.First get all the iron guns and get alot of bullets unless your on creative and then ether go to 743,1,000,or 2,000 and then eventually you will find a crater get your gun out and go down in the crater caves and find a alien,kill the alien and it for me it is a 99% chance the alien will drop diamonds when killed. If done correctly you wil get another door with your original one still standing. One person must keep opening and shutting the door rapidly while the second person then mines the door. To be able to do this you need two people. After you save the game you can go to endurance or survival or creative and edit the map. Make sure you have at least 2 crates to put the stuff you have in but keep the things you want to spawn with in your inventory. Make sure you have 1 or 2 safehouses in map.

castle miner z pc hacks

Make sure you have a diamond pick axe or bloodstone pick Then save the game. Go to creative, start the game with 1 or 2 players, walk 4000-5000 paces then you get to rock and lava and there will be gold, diamonds, and there will be holes in the ground where There will be bloodstone in there.

#Castle miner z pc hacks code#

First, you go to Castle Miner Z (duh) and go down to redeem code (still duh) and type in the words (and numbers): 2BE172F6 and a screen will pop up and say "Start of with Assault Rifle".

Castle miner z pc hacks